iTEAR100 Maintenance: Your Guide to Upkeep and Repair

Optimizing the iTEAR100 Experience: Expert Tips for Peak Performance

Ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your iTEAR100 device starts with proper maintenance and care. Here at Olympic Ophthalmics , we understand the importance of keeping your device in tip-top shape, so you can continue to soothe those dry, gritty, itchy, and tired eyes without a hitch. Revel in the comfort of your own home as you stimulate your body's natural ability to produce tears, all thanks to the innovative design of the iTEAR100. Let's dive into some insider advice on how to get the most out of your device.

Getting to Know Your iTEAR100

Before we embark on the journey of maintenance, it helps to familiarize yourself with the iTEAR100. Hailing from the innovative minds at Olympic Ophthalmics, this at-home marvel has been FDA-cleared for its safe and drug-free approach to triggering natural tear production. Need to acquire one? Simply chat with a doctor via our easy online appointment service, get your prescription, and order your device for convenient delivery right to your doorstep. Have questions or ready for a new order? You can always reach us at 650-300-9340 !

Maintaining your iTEAR100 does not have to be a daunting task. With a few simple steps, you can ensure that it works smoothly each time you need relief from dry eyes.

Right out of the box, your iTEAR100 is ready to go. Here's how to start off on the right foot:

Take a careful look at the user manual. It's packed with all the essential info you need to not only operate your iTEAR100 safely but also to understand the best practices for maintenance.

Charge the device fully before the first use. A complete charge sets the stage for optimal battery health and device function.

Even the most robust devices need a regular check-up. Dedicate a few minutes each week to give your iTEAR100 a once-over.

Check for any visible signs of wear or damage. If something seems off, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 650-300-9340 for assistance.

Proper cleaning is essential to the device's performance and your eye health. Here's how to keep it pristine:

Always use soft, lint-free cloths for wiping down the device. Harsh materials can damage its surface.

Avoid using water or any cleaning solutions unless specified by the manufacturer. Stick to dry cleaning to keep the electronics safe.

Sometimes, devices can run into a hiccup. But not to worry-troubleshooting is usually a breeze with the iTEAR100.

If the iTEAR100 isn't powering up, check the battery life first. Sometimes a simple charge is all it needs.

Inspect the charging cable and adapter for any damage. If you suspect they're the culprits, replacements can easily be ordered directly from us.

Strange behavior from the device can sometimes be fixed with a reset. Consult your user manual for the correct reset procedure.

If the reset doesn't help, jot down what's happening and give our support team a call at 650-300-9340 . We're here to help.

Make sure the device is seated properly in its cradle when charging. A misalignment can mean it won't charge correctly.

Periodically check the contacts on the device and cradle for any debris that could interfere with charging.

Keeping in touch with us at Olympic Ophthalmics can be a game-changer for your iTEAR100's lifespan and performance.

Got questions or concerns? Our customer service team is always ready to assist you. A friendly voice is just a call away at 650-300-9340 .

We offer troubleshooting support, advice on maintenance, and can help arrange for any services or replacement parts.

Your iTEAR100 comes with a warranty that covers many potential issues. Familiarize yourself with the terms so you know what's covered.

If you're in need of service that falls within the warranty, simply reach out and we'll guide you through the next steps.

From time to time, there may be updates or important information about your device. Stay connected with us to keep you in the loop.

Subscribe to our updates or follow us on social media for the latest news on iTEAR100 and how to care for it.

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

The comfort and safety of your eyes are of utmost importance when using the iTEAR100.

Follow the guidelines for safe use religiously. Straying from them can risk the health of your eyes and the integrity of the device.

If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, stop using the device immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

Handling your device properly can prevent accidents and damage. Ensure you're using it as intended to avoid mishaps.

Always grip the device securely but gently to maintain control without exerting undue pressure on its components.

Keep the device clean and only use it on unbroken skin. Proper hygiene practices are critical when it's so close to sensitive areas like your eyes.

Never share your iTEAR100 with others. This is both a sanitary measure and a safety precaution, as the device is calibrated for individual use.

Investing a little effort into maintaining your iTEAR100 can greatly extend its useful life.

When not in use, store the iTEAR100 in a cool, dry place. Extreme temperatures and moisture can damage the electronics.

Keep it away from direct sunlight and any potential contaminants that could harm the device or irritate your eyes.

Avoid overcharging the battery. Once it's full, disconnect the device to prevent diminishing the battery's overall lifespan.

If you plan to not use the device for an extended period, make sure it's charged to about 50% before storing it. This will help maintain battery health.

Be mindful of where you place the iTEAR100. A stable, flat surface away from edges can prevent accidental drops.

Additionally, protecting the device with a carrying case when transporting it can shield it from knocks and bumps.

Making the iTEAR100 work for you is key to a satisfying tear-stimulating experience.

Adjust the device according to the user manual to fit comfortably against your temple. A proper fit can enhance effectiveness.

If you have any issues finding a comfortable setup, don't hesitate to contact us for guidance at 650-300-9340 .

Establish a consistent routine with your iTEAR100 to make it a seamless part of your day-to-day life.

Align the device's use with other daily activities like brushing your teeth or reading to create a habitual pattern.

Keep a log of your eye comfort before and after using the iTEAR100. This can help you track its effectiveness and decide on the best use schedule for your needs.

If you feel the device isn't performing as it should, reach out to us. Together, we can troubleshoot and optimize your experience.

Choosing the iTEAR100 as your go-to for natural tear stimulation is just the start. Here's how to ensure a successful journey.

Be patient with yourself and the device during your first few uses. It might take time to get used to the sensation and operation.

Anticipate a gentle tingling as the device does its work. It's a sign that the natural tear pathways are being activated.

Developing a regular schedule for using the iTEAR100 can lead to more consistent results and greater eye comfort over time.

Decide on a time of day when your eyes usually need relief the most, and make that your designated iTEAR100 time.

The iTEAR100 is a powerful tool, but it's even more effective when paired with other good eye care habits.

Stay hydrated, take breaks during screen time, and ensure your environment is well-humidified to support overall eye health.

Your iTEAR100 is more than just a device; it's an investment in your eye health and comfort. Protecting it means ensuring its longevity and effectiveness.

A sturdy case can protect your iTEAR100 from the wear and tear of everyday life and travel. It's a small investment for big peace of mind.

Keep all parts of your device together in the case to avoid misplacing essential components like the charger or cradle.

It's crucial to only allow authorized service providers to work on your iTEAR100. DIY fixes or unauthorized repairs can void your warranty.

Whenever service is required, reach out to our team at 650-300-9340 for guidance on authorized repair options.

Hang on to your purchase receipt and any service records. These documents can be invaluable if you ever need to prove the device's history for warranty or service needs.

Keeping a dedicated folder for your iTEAR100 paperwork can save you a lot of hassle down the road.

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Visit to learn more!

When you choose the iTEAR100, you're not just getting a device; you're becoming part of the Olympic Ophthalmics family. We're committed to your satisfaction and success.

Join our user forums or support groups to learn from and share with other iTEAR100 users. There's strength in numbers, and shared knowledge can be powerful.

Participate in surveys or provide feedback. Your input helps us serve you better and can lead to improvements in future devices or services.

As a valued member of the Olympic Ophthalmics family, you'll be first in line for exclusive offers, updates, and tips related to your iTEAR100.

Keep an eye on your inbox for newsletters and announcements that can enhance your iTEAR100 experience and overall eye care.

Consider us a partner in your journey toward better eye health. We're not just here to sell a product; we're here to support you along the way.

Our team is eager to help make your experience with the iTEAR100 the best it can be. Just call us at 650-300-9340 for any assistance you need.

As we conclude our comprehensive guide on maintaining your iTEAR100 device for optimal performance, remember that your satisfaction and eye comfort are our priority. Consistent care coupled with vigilant usage can unlock the full benefits of this remarkable device, ensuring that the natural beauty you perceive through your eyes remains unobstructed by discomfort. If at any point you need support or wish to reinvigorate your iTEAR100 care routine, our dedicated team at Olympic Ophthalmics is just a call away at 650-300-9340 . Here's to clear, comfortable vision and the wellness it brings!